Last updated on 2025-02-21 03:52:28 CET.
Flavor | Version | Tinstall | Tcheck | Ttotal | Status | Flags |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang | 1.0.11 | 10.27 | 102.40 | 112.67 | OK | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc | 1.0.11 | 6.49 | 68.72 | 75.21 | OK | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang | 1.0.11 | 188.10 | OK | |||
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc | 1.0.11 | 175.21 | OK | |||
r-devel-macos-arm64 | 1.0.10 | 72.00 | ERROR | |||
r-devel-macos-x86_64 | 1.0.11 | 163.00 | OK | |||
r-devel-windows-x86_64 | 1.0.11 | 12.00 | 122.00 | 134.00 | OK | |
r-patched-linux-x86_64 | 1.0.11 | 9.37 | 95.14 | 104.51 | OK | |
r-release-linux-x86_64 | 1.0.11 | 9.54 | 94.36 | 103.90 | OK | |
r-release-macos-arm64 | 1.0.10 | 89.00 | OK | |||
r-release-macos-x86_64 | 1.0.11 | 132.00 | OK | |||
r-release-windows-x86_64 | 1.0.11 | 12.00 | 125.00 | 137.00 | OK | |
r-oldrel-macos-arm64 | 1.0.10 | 88.00 | OK | |||
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 | 1.0.11 | 127.00 | OK | |||
r-oldrel-windows-x86_64 | 1.0.11 | 17.00 | 155.00 | 172.00 | OK |
Version: 1.0.10
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [4s/9s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
> # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat.
> # It is recommended that you do not modify it.
> #
> # Where should you do additional test configuration?
> # Learn more about the roles of various files in:
> # *
> # *
> library(testthat)
> library(tidyquant)
── Attaching core tidyquant packages ─────────────────────── tidyquant 1.0.10 ──
✔ PerformanceAnalytics 2.0.8 ✔ quantmod 0.4.26
✔ TTR 0.24.4 ✔ xts 0.14.1
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyquant_conflicts() ──
✖ zoo::as.Date() masks base::as.Date()
✖ zoo::as.Date.numeric() masks base::as.Date.numeric()
✖ PerformanceAnalytics::legend() masks graphics::legend()
✖ quantmod::summary() masks base::summary()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
> test_check("tidyquant")
[ FAIL 2 | WARN 0 | SKIP 4 | PASS 65 ]
══ Skipped tests (4) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
• On CRAN (4): 'test-index-tq_index.R:16:5', 'test-index_tq_exchange.R:18:5',
'test-tq_portfolio.R:4:1', 'test-tq_transmute.R:2:1'
══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
── Failure ('test-tq_get_stock_prices.R:33:5'): Test prints warning message on invalid x input. ──
`tq_get("XYZ", get = get)` did not produce any warnings.
── Failure ('test-tq_get_stock_prices.R:37:5'): Test returns NA on invalid x input. ──
suppressWarnings(tq_get("XYZ", get = get)) not equal to NA.
Modes: list, logical
names for target but not for current
Attributes: < Modes: list, NULL >
Attributes: < names for target but not for current >
Attributes: < current is not list-like >
Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components
Component 1: Modes: character, logical
Component 1: Lengths: 2308, 1
Component 1: target is character, current is logical
[ FAIL 2 | WARN 0 | SKIP 4 | PASS 65 ]
Error: Test failures
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-macos-arm64