kendallknight 0.6.0
- Uses “htest” S3 class for the p-value print method. This is a minor
change that makes the output more consistent with other R
kendallknight 0.5.0
- Corrects a severe error with the p-value computation. Thanks to
@ouroboro for
pointing this out (#3).
kendallknight 0.4.0
- Provides an implementation of chebyshev_eval, gammafn, lgammacor and
stirlerr functions in C++. This solves CRAN warnings about using non-API
non-API calls to R.
kendallknight 0.3.0
- Provides the option to pass a matrix to obtain a correlation
kendallknight 0.2.0
- Uses parallelization to speed up the computation of the Kendall’s
- It still needs additional checks with Inf values.
kendallknight 0.1.0
- The Kendall’s correlation function from capybara was moved here to
have a dedicated package for it.